Innovating Training with Custom Building Blocks: A Case Study About Manhattan

Training is a crucial aspect of any company. Manhattan Manhattan, a global provider of supply chain solutions, has taken a creative leap by crafting a unique learning tool for its partners.

This initiative underscores Manhattan’s dedication to not only providing advanced cloud-native technology but also to fostering an engaging and hands-on learning environment.

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A Novel Approach to Learning

Understanding the complexities of warehouse management software can be daunting. To simplify this, Manhattan envisioned a training aid that was both functional and memorable.

The solution? Custom building blocks. These aren’t just any building blocks; they’re specifically designed to represent elements crucial to warehouse operations – a forklift, pallet, and boxes.

During dedicated training sessions, these blocks serve a dual purpose: (1) facilitating practical understanding of inventory management, put-away processes and (2) doubling as a tangible reminder of Manhattan’s training solutions.

The Creation Process

Custom Building Block by the company, Manhattan. They ordered fully customized forklifts with boxes from Brand Spirit so they can use it for their training programs. Their logo is imprinted on the forklift. comes complete with instruction manual and packaging.

Prototyping took approximately 20 days, a testament to the company’s clear vision. The result was a fully customized blocks set with building instructions much like the toys one would get from the store.

Pro Tip: Make sure you count for mass production lead time (45-60 days) and transport, which can vary.

A Lasting Impact

By gamifying their services, the company has not only enhanced the learning experience but also solidified its position as a forward-thinking provider of supply chain solutions.

Manhattan’s approach exemplifies how thinking outside the box (or in this case, with the box) can enhance educational practices.

By blending learning with play, they’ve created an environment where partners are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their own learning process. It’s campaigns like these that underscore the importance of inspired partner-centric campaigns, particularly in industries where technology plays a pivotal role.

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